Description of Telegraph Cove
Telegraph Cove (pop. 20) is located on the Broughton Strait, on Vancouver Island’s northeast coast. The community is the launching point into a pristine marine environment that includes the vast marine park known as the Broughton Archipelago; the famous orca rubbing beaches of Robson Bight; and Johnstone Strait, an inside passage marine route.
In 1912, Telegraph Cove was a one-room station, the northern terminus of a telegraph line that began in Campbell River and stretched from tree to tree along Vancouver Island's east coast. Over the years pioneers developed a lumber mill, salmon saltery and fish storage warehouses. As the 1970’s dawned, these industries yielded to recreational boaters and wildlife watching companies. Today nature is the key industry: whale watching, grizzly bear viewing and kayaking are the village’s biggest draws. Some of our kayak tours of Johnstone Strait depart from Telegraph Cove.
Weather Conditions in Port McNeill (20 minutes north of Telegraph Cove)